NDE Dispatch Platform - Case Study | bVerse Labs
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The Dispatch NDE Platform is offered as a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution to inspection agencies, enabling them to enhance the efficiency of their inspection procedures


The Problem

Enterprise clients in Western Canada struggle to effectively plan and coordinate non-destructive testing (NDE) inspections across numerous locations, which can cause delays and inspection process inaccuracies.
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The Solution

We design DispatchINDE, a user-friendly platform that enables business customers to quickly schedule and manage NDE inspections on the job site. At the same time, it enables inspection agencies to expedite technician assignments, ensuring that inspections are completed on time and accurately.

Key Features

Important characteristics of the Plan to which your application relates

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Project Timeline

A project timeline typically takes the form of a horizontal bar chart, where each task is given a name and a corresponding start and end date.
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Font, Colour

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A wireframe is a schematic or blueprint that is useful for helping you, your programmers and designers think and communicate about the structure of the software or website you’re building.
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What they say about us?

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Versona Gloene
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I’m moderately satisfied but have a few concerns
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